Fighting the XBox

OK - that hurt.  I wasn't expecting my second post to be so quick, but figured I might as well share this one.

I bought an XBox One for my kid last year and while we've both used it for gaming, every now and then I did use the Xbox Fitness app and I thought I was doing quite well.  Last year in October or November I also picked up a treadmill and I've been reasonably diligent with it too - gradually building up my stamina and am able to jog (albeit slowly) for about 35-40m now at a stretch.  Generally I manage to burn about 300 calories so overall I thought I was doing quite well.
Well - lets just say my illusions were somewhat shattered today.  I'd tried this workout before on XBox and while I did well I didn't "blow away" any of the levels.  I figured now that I'd been on the treadmill my fitness level had to better and I'd do amazing - right?  ummm, not so much.

I actually started out amazingly well I have to say ... I was killing it for about 15-20min and then I completely hit a wall.  I started to get really nauseous and dizzy and could barely catch my breath.  I've never had that sort of a reaction to physical fitness before and I was quite astounded - especially considering the result that I was expecting!  Unfortunately I had to stop for the day as I just didn't feel that I could continue.

So what's next?

Well - the treadmill by itself is obviously NOT cutting it.  I'm going to try and switch up my workouts now and do a mix of treadmill & Xbox fitness stuff.  I have to say that my knees are also starting to hurt (yeah I know I'm in great shape aren't I!) so I'll probably also take up Yoga but I wanted to look for some herbal stuff to help also.  Stay tuned.


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