Back to School, Back to Work

I've long been slightly overweight (well lets be honest - the scale says slightly obese) and to some extent that's a factor of my height also as I'm only 5'5" ... definitely need a ladder to change a light bulb I do!

Now that's not really been an issue/concern for myself as while I've always wanted a buff body, I was "fit enough", but things ... well lets say they've changed a bit in the past couple of months.  Being in my mid-40's I guess I should have expected some sort of health issues, but personally speaking I don't feel any different which is in this case somewhat deceiving.

See the fact is, I've been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes ... or high blood sugar.  Like I said I don't feel like there is anything wrong with me, but I know that from a longer term perspective I'm going to have to do something.

For me - that something is getting fitter.  As a vegetarian, my diet isn't that horrible - although I do have a fondness for sweets & desserts - so while I realize that changing diet is generally considered the quickest way to improve your fitness, I'm really not too sure what to change.  I'll experiment with some things I'm sure and hopefully find the solution, but I think I'm just going to have to slog away and try to get rid of some poundage.

The question becomes of course what do you do?  I'm not a gym junkie ... I've tried them quite a few times and more than anything else it was an exercise (hah!) in futility.  I just don't feel comfortable in public - weirdly though I really enjoy hiking/walking/jogging OUTSIDE though.  Even though this too is public, I think the fact that you aren't in full view at all times makes me a bit more comfortable.  So that leaves home workouts ... now I've tried Jillian a couple of times, but in all honesty she's a bit scary and a bit too intense.  I might explore her again later when I'm in somewhat better shape but I think it's probably best if I start slower and then gradually make changes as I've realized I didn't always have this weight - it's something that grew over time so as long as I keep on working on/at it, it will also go away over time!


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